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 When the Angel Fell from Heaven Part One

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Join date : 2010-02-23

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PostSubject: When the Angel Fell from Heaven Part One   When the Angel Fell from Heaven Part One I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 23, 2010 1:42 am

She'd been born an angel with silver wings, soaring through the sky like an eaglei. She'd been born knowing and loving to fly, going wherever the wind sent her. She was a free spirit, this young angel, trusting and incredibly gentle. Her smile could light up the sky and her laugh was like magic. When she had grown to a certain age, she flew out into the world, eager to leap beyond the bounds her parents had set for her. And it was there, out in the world, that IT happened. An event so dark that even now she could not recall it. But she'd always remember what happened afterwards...the pain as bolts of hate and rejection pierced her chest, nearly straight through the heart. Bright feathers were ripped from her wings as she plummeted to earth, but even that did not satisfy those vultures.Again and again they clawed at her, mocking her for being different, for not understanding their ways. Even as they tried to beat her to death, she pleaded with them, begged them to forgive her, begged them to explain what she had done to deserve such cruelty. At last, one of her attackers dared to answer her, and it was the killing blow,

"Why?" she smirked "Because you were born." That was the blow that sent her hurtling down for the last time. She plummeted down into a dark sea and fell into the dark void, a descent so violent it nearly killed her then. But there was still a bit of her will left, although why it remained even she did not know, she only wanted to descend into the depths and drown. But something kept her going, what she could never quite describe. For an untold time she drifted in the sea, an occasional feather floating away from her wilted wings. Occasionally she wake to glance up at the sky, but then her wounds would throb, the memory would return...and she would sink back into oblivion, too scarred to even dream of rising from the waves that had claimed her for so long. Finally, her battered body washed up on a desolate shore, but she didn't even attempt to crawl away, her wounds had become infected and drained her strength long ago, though only pale scars remained. Once infection sets in, the body is really done for, unless help comes, and she was sure that no one would want to help her...the happy days of soaring through the clouds seemed like a distant dream. Crying silvery tears, she curled up and waited to die.

And then...a voice entered her dreams "Angel....angel.....wake up....come on, wake up...."

She was sure she was dreaming, no one had spoken to her so gently in many many years, it couldn't be real. She tried to sink back and away but to her surprise, she felt a gentle hand stroking her bruised face "Wake up sister..." the voice was soft and sweet and then she felt it: the soft sweep of silver wings brushing across her, shading her from the brutal sun. It couldn't be....she managed to open her eyes and saw a young angel staring down at her.

"That's it" her voice was soft "You're alright now."

"W...who are you?" her voice was a mere whisper, she hadn't spoken in an eternity. The young angel smiled and shushed her "That's not important right now, I'm here to take care of you, now and forever...."

She could take no more, this was only a dream, it would disappear when she awoke. Shutting her eyes, she began to drift away, moaning when the unnamed angel lifted her up, cradling her like a young child

I'm not a dream... the voice echoed in her mind I'm never going to go away, you'll never hurt again."

She began to cry and drifted into a feverish sleep, her wounds were beginning to open up again now that she was returning to life. She wasn't sure where she'd been taken, but she was laying in a soft cocoon and occasionally something cool would drift across her brow,

"Hot..." she whimpered, tossing and turning in pain "Thirsty..." A moment later she felt a presence by her side and she flinched, expecting to be hit, as she had so many times before. But then a gentle hand lifted her head and cool water was coaxed through her lips. It felt so good that she moaned in relief and her head was moved back to the pillow, the hand returning a moment later to stroke her hot brow.

"Rest easy" she whispered, continuing to stroke her gently "I'm here, I'm here and I always will be."

Soothed by her gentle words, she wanted to sleep, but there was one thing she wanted to know


There was a soft chuckled before the voice gently whispered

"My name is Samantha."

To be continued....
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Join date : 2010-02-23

When the Angel Fell from Heaven Part One Empty
PostSubject: Re: When the Angel Fell from Heaven Part One   When the Angel Fell from Heaven Part One I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 24, 2010 12:38 am

That night, the sick angel, whose name was Becky, twisted and turned in the grips of a horrific nightmare. in her dreams, her attackers had returned and were dragging her back to the watery depths in which she'd nearly drowned, it felt so cold and dark, and it terrified her completely.

"No, NO!!!!" her voice was a tortured wail as she tossed and turned "Help me, somebody help me!!!" No sooner did she cry out then Samantha was by her side, cradling her gently

"Shhhh, shhhhh...." she rubbed the blonde gently until she grew still and relaxed "It's alright Becky, it's alright, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Still caught in the throes of the fever, Becky could hardly believe what she was hearing " you care?" she stared up at Samantha blearily "I'm nothing...just let me die..."

"I'm not going to let that happen" Samantha rubbed the older angel gently "I'm going to help you get better, no matter how long it takes."

Dazed, Becky fell back into unconsciousness and slept for a long time, guarded faithfully by the younger angel, who never left her side.

At last she grew well enough to get up and walk around, though she could only do so for short periods. In these brief times, she watched her rescuer carefully and it wasn't long before she noticed something...different. Her wings were beautiful, fully developed with a bright silver sheen, and yet, she'd never once seen the young woman fly, she always walked in and out of the simple dwelling where she'd been recovering. Finally, one day, Becky got up the nerve to ask "Why don't you fly? Your wings look healthy enough." Samantha blushed "They're weaker than normal, I can't fly."
Becky felt a strong protective urge come over her and she leaned down to look Samantha right in the eyes "All angels can fly" she whispered "And if the day comes when I truly recover, then I'll show you how, and that's a promise."

To Be continued in part three
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When the Angel Fell from Heaven Part One
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